About Us


We exist for two reasons:

1. To remind Black people who they are.
This will be done by teaching our true history through blogs and videos, with guidance from the ancestors of The Black Nation, and a great deal of assistance from African tribal elders, historians, ancient healers and highly qualified teachers who we are in contact with. The knowledge we gain coupled with practical mental exercises and a proper fasting plan will help us in remembering who we are, and ultimately making contact with the Higher Self. Without this first step, our dreams of true liberation will not materialize.

2. To lay the foundation for building economically & socially independent Black communities. The second purpose is tied to the first one in the sense that once the first purpose has been fulfilled, we can now move on to encouraging Black people to rebuild their own Black-only societies that are physically, socially and economically independent from the western system.

This is all done as part of a very crucial preparation for the fall of the western system and all its major institutions, which are the military, judiciary, monetary, religion, politics, media and science. All of these institutions are currently going through a slow and painful deterioration, and this will continue for the next few decades until they are totally wiped off the face of the earth, and everyone who is still a part of them by then will unfortunately fall with them. This is not a prophecy, but a natural occurrence that takes place at the end of every cycle, and this cycle of self-forgetfulness has come to an end. It is therefore critical for those who have no sympathy for this system and its creators to be independent as soon as they can.

Towards the end of the fall of the western system, we will see the rise of The Black Nation and a re-establishment of Black people as the true and only rulers of the world. Only those who possess a high vibrational frequency will not only meet the requirements, but also withstand the high vibrational energy, of being part of The Black Nation.

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“Part of the process of initiation requires that a person should purify his/her body by proper fasting. At the same time, he/she should train the mind to make contact with all his memories, which will help him/her to eventually make contact with the Original Self, who is the self-initiator. At that point, the person will then have an understanding of Self and other – i.e an understanding of God and the devil (the light races). This will lead to a conscious mental resurrection whereby he/she will eventually attain conscious bodily resurrection.” – Modimoncho (Blackroots Science Volume 1, page 423)

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